The IEFC General Assembly will be held in Bordeaux on the afternoon of 10 November. We expect to have enough participants to set up simultaneous translation. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to discuss the activities of the IEFC, its new strategy, emerging topics around plantations, your expectations, the organisation of the monthly planted forests meeting and many other news to build together. Whether you are a member or a potential future member, check the agenda and register quickly so that we can organise the logistics, and possibly a hybrid version of the event.

This event will be held in conjunction with the final conference of the SUSTFOREST project, which you can register for here, and will also be an opportunity to share the gala dinner on the Sicambre restaurant boat.

Finally, French-speaking partners should not miss the symposium organised on 19 November with the partners of the B4EST project for forestry stakeholders entitled “Research for the resilience and bioeconomy of maritime pine: Contribution of the European B4EST project”. The programme and registration are available online.