FORSEE : Indicateur évalué

Indicator 3.1: Increment and Fellings


Total Cost €2224

Shared Cost €1371

Marginal Cost €853

Total Cost/ha €0.06

These cost include:

Site Description
Data Analysis
Data processing
Travel to the plots
Time travelling to the plots
Time finding & installing the plots
Prepare sampling plan
Purchase maps
Organise the data collection points
Computer & software


Table 3.1: Current wood volume


(source NFI, 2005)

Figure 3.1a: Volume per hectare (m3) in the FORSEE study sites.



Due to the relatively young Irish forest estate and the small percentage forest cover, the first all inclusive national forest inventory (NFI) only commenced in 2005. Preliminary results from analysis of inventory data in table 3.1 shows that 43% of the forest area has a current wood volume less than 50 m3/ha. This could indicate that the forest estate in the pilot zone is quite young. As the volume class increases the volume/ha decreases which would also be an indication of how young the forest area is in the pilot zone.

In figure 3.1a of the FORSEE study sites, half of the plots have a volume of less than 1m3/ha. This again would be indicative of a young forest estate.

Problématique et amélioration

The lack of national and private sector data for annual increment in this indicator is a disadvantage.


The absence of published data from the national forest inventory (NFI) and a subsequent NFI infers that it is very difficult to accurately estimate annual increment in both the forests of the pilot zone and nationally.

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Project co-financed by European Union
A community initiative ERDF
INTERREG the IIIB Atlantic Area