FORSEE : Indicateur évalué

Indicador 6.1 Distribución de “Forest Holdings”
Forest area covered (1995): 9638 ha

Percentage of the total forest area in Sousa Valley: 35 %


TOTAL COST: 859,9 €

The total cost includes:

1-Data collection

499,88 €

* This value corresponds only to the secondary data provided by the local FOA. The costs of field work done by this FOA in order to obtain the data about cadastre are not included in the total costs considered in this indicator.

2- Data analysis: 360 €


Lorenz curve


Gini coefficient: 0,830435

Source: AFVS


Shortcomings and improvements

There is no cadastral data available being the data available in the fiscal registers of the local tax office, but not compiled (compilation being a very time consuming job) and not always accurate.

Data available only covers about 35% of the total forest land of Sousa Valley (34668 hectares). Considering only the municipality of Penafiel (9638 hectares), for which more information on cadastre based on fiscal registers was available, the percentage raises to 58%.

In the coming future this methodology for data collection will yield more representative results as others ZIFs will be implemented covering most of the forest land in the pilot zone. Also the data will become more accurate through Official cadastral data (Forest Services) and Unofficial cadastral data (forest owners’ association).

The recommendations for improvements are to take into account the forest holdings that are included in ZIFs, to take into account forest holdings belonging to members of the local forest owners’ association, to carry out specific studies on forest owners’ socioeconomic characteristics and attitudes towards forests.

Comments and conclusion

So far, the feasibility of this indicator depends on the collaboration and information available on local FOAs. In terms of relevance of the indicator for SFM, it can be said that without further qualifications, this indicator in itself is not of enough relevance for SFM since what really matters for this purpose in the context of private and small scale forestry is whether or not the forest owners are individually and collectively organized in order to promote SFM. This depends on the size of their holdings, but this size is not always essential for that purpose.

Indicator not considered by Criterion 6 of the Portuguese Norm 4406 2003.

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Projet cofinancé par l'Union Européenne
Initiative Communaitaire FEDER
INTERREG IIIB Espace Atlantique