Two researchers from the Mechanic Engineer Department from the Faculty of Sciences of the Technologic University of Coimbra (FCTUC) are studying the application of cork from the cork oak in the automotive industry in order to improve the passengers’ protection in case of accident. This work, developed by José Maria Cirne and its Phd student Celina Gameiro, was published on scientific magazines and presented during international conferences. The scientific community has already shown its interest for this study.
In this work, in order to extend the study started previously and investigate the possible advantages of cork-filling in longer tubes with a different section, the authors simulate, using the same software, the influence of the introduction of agglomerate cork in square and circular aluminium tubes with a diameter/width of 80 mm, a length of 300mm and a variable thickness. The mechanical properties of the structures composed of cork may constitute a potential for this material to be used in innovative applications related to diverse fields such as automotive, transport, ships and military applications. The u

Source : BE Portugal number 23 (27/04/2007) – Ambassy of France in Portugal / ADIT –